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Soft Loan Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs

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Status: Active

Classification: Public Sector Scheme

Release Date(s):
4th February 2023
3rd September 2021

Offering: Loan/Credit

Entity Type: Public Sector Entity

Reading Time: 4 Mins

Ticket Size: Upto ₹15 Lakhs

Entity Name: Kerala Startup Mission

#Views: 92

Disclaimer….before you read ahead!

The information contained herein is of a general nature and for information purposes only, with the intent of raising awareness around various resources, schemes etc. available for women entrepreneurs in India. It is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. It does not purport to be all-inclusive or necessarily contain all the information that may be relevant for the reader, and may be subject to updation, revision or amendment. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to remain accurate in the future. The reader, therefore, is required to exercise their discretion; and not act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

Furthermore, we are not a lender and are not authorized by the Reserve Bank of India to act as one. By disseminating the information contained herein, we are not soliciting any borrower or customers for the company or organization mentioned herein nor do we intend to syndicate any capital for the reader of this email.


About the scheme…
Soft Loan Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs
 was launched in November 2019 by Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), the State Nodal Agency by Government of Kerala, with the aim of providing financial assistance to women startups for implementing works and projects they receive from the Government Departments and the Public Sector Undertakings in Kerala.


How is it being implemented?

Under Soft Loan Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs, direct financial assistance in the form of loans is given to

  • Women startups for implementing works and projects they receive from the Government Departments and the Public Sector Undertakings in Kerala


What’s on offer?
I. Product: 

  • Loan against Purchase Order
  • Ticket size of upto 80% of Purchase Order or ₹15 Lakhs, whichever is lower
  • Disbursement is as an advance against the milestone payment agreed by the client
  • Startup shall ensure proper delivery of product/service specified in the Purchase Order and disbursement from the second instalment will be based on satisfactory completion of a milestone as certified by the client

II. Purpose:

  • Working capital requirements

III. Borrower Type

  • Company

IV. Security or Collateral or Guarantee or Insurance

  • Security: Nil
  • Collateral: Nil
  • For information around Guarantee and Insurance, please contact KSUM via means mentioned below

V. Interest Rate

  • Simple interest @6% per annum

VI. Processing fee

  • For information around processing fee, please contact KSUM via means mentioned below

VII. Margin money requirement

  • Nil

VIII. Tenure, Repayments & Pre-Closures

  • Repayment period of 1 year or completion of the project with full settlement, whichever is earlier
  • For more information on repayment or pre-closures, please contact KSUM via means mentioned below

IX. Turnaround Time

  • Applications to be processed separately on a fast track model


Interested? Read ahead to check your eligibility….

I. Is your startup approved by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)?

II. Does your startup have the Unique ID issued by the Kerala Startup Mission?

III. Do women founder(s)/co-founder(s) have a majority stake in the startup?

IV. Is your startup registered in Kerala?

V. Is the said client who has issued the Purchase Order, a Government Department or Public sector undertaking?

If your answers to the questions above are an emphatic YES, you are all set to avail the loan under Soft Loan Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs!


So…how big is this scheme and what has been done so far?

I. Details for Soft loan Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs do not seem to be available in the public domain


So, now, how should you go about it?
I. For submitting application online and for information around documents/information required, please click here

II. For any queries, please contact KSUM:


Go on then…and do spread the word!1q52341frq2



  1. About the Scheme
  2. Guidelines for implementation of Scheme: look for guidelines dated November 21, 2019 here

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