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Vital Voices GROW Fellowship

Home > Digital Ecosystem > II. Mentorship > Enlightener Series > Vital Voices GROW Fellowship

Status: Active

Classification: Private Sector Scheme

Release Date(s):
27th August 2021

Entity Type: Foreign Entity

Reading Time: 8 Mins

Ticket Size: Upto ₹15 Lakhs

Entity Name: Vital Voices Global Partnership

#Views: 111

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The information contained herein is of a general nature and for information purposes only, with the intent of raising awareness around various resources, schemes etc. available for women entrepreneurs in India. It is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. It does not purport to be all-inclusive or necessarily contain all the information that may be relevant for the reader, and may be subject to updation, revision or amendment. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to remain accurate in the future. The reader, therefore, is required to exercise their discretion; and not act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

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About the scheme…

The Vital Voices GROW Fellowship (VV GROW Fellowship) is a leading global annual accelerator program for women owners of small and medium-sized businesses that are making a social impact. It was launched in 2013 by Vital Voices Global Partnership (Vital Voices), a Washington DC, USA based not-for-profit, with the aim of elevating women business leaders as drivers for economic growth and social change in their communities, countries and the world, by helping them grow their businesses and expanding their social impact.

Vital Voices invests in women leaders who are solving the world’s greatest challenges – from gender-based violence to the climate crisis, economic inequities, and more.  Over the last 24 years, they have built a network of 18,000 change makers across 182 countries, each of whom are daring to reimagine a more equitable world for all. Click here and here to know more about them, their various initiatives and their stories of impact.

How is it being implemented?
2022 Vital Voices GROW Fellowship (2022 VV GROW Fellowship), launched on July 27, 2021, is VV GROW’s 9th Year of inviting applications for its one-year fellowship program from women business owners across the globe. The applications will be accepted until September 27, 2021. Of the applications received, 45-50 fellows from across the globe are envisaged to be selected for the 2022 VV GROW Fellowship cohort.

Under 2022 VV GROW, shortlisted applicants will be provided with customized business skills training, leadership development, technical assistance & support, and access to networks and connections.

What’s on offer?

I. Fellowship Components

This one-year fellowship program includes:

  • Business Skills Training & Leadership Development comprising of strategic planning, financial management, marketing & sales, strategic networking, leadership, human resources & communications
  • Technical Assistance & Support, and
  • Access to global network of women business owners and the broader Vital Voices network of more than 18,000 of women leaders around the world.

II. Delivery Modes

  • Virtual Learning through a series of webinars, assignments, one-on-one and small group calls
  • Virtual Convening through
    • Online sessions focused on select topics including leadership and personal development
    • Dynamic interactive sessions with other fellows, program partners, guest speakers, Vital Voices trainers & staff, thereby providing opportunity to strengthen one’s network with Vital Voices’ global network
  • Growth Services & Support through getting connected to opportunities, and individualized growth services & support provided by Vital Voices and their partners

III. Fellowship Benefits

  • VV GROW Fellowship Program’s customized business skills training & support is worth over US $20,000 (or ₹15 Lakhs) per participant. Key benefits include:
    • Increased knowledge, skills, and confidence in strategic planning, financial management, marketing & sales, strategic networking, leadership, human resources, communications and other business related topics
    • Receive guidance, training and support from global expert business trainers and coaches
    • Develop valuable relationships with a group of women business leaders from around the world (VV GROW Cohort 9)
    • Receive referral(s) to business support services and other growth opportunities
    • Receive a certificate of program completion
    • Become a member of the Vital Voices Global Leadership Network upon graduation

IV. Fellowship Program Expectations & Participant’s Commitment

  • Dedicate 2-7 hours per week (January – December 2022) for webinars, homework assignments and phone calls
  • Attend the entire 3-day virtual convening in summer 2022 (date TBD)
  • Submit surveys and participate in phone calls with Vital Voices

V. Fellowship Program’s Participation Costs

  • If accepted into the program, there is a participation fee of US $1,500 to $5,000 (₹1.13 – 3.75 Lakhs), based on the size and revenue of participant’s primary business
  • Payment plans and some need-based scholarships will be available
  • Scholarships of upto 100% discount on participation fee
    • A limited number of scholarships will be available. If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship, please select “Apply for a scholarship” and answer the corresponding questions. Successful applicants will be informed of the result of their scholarship application upon notification of program acceptance
  • Additional information about the participation fee will be provided upon the completion of your application

VI. Application Process

  • Applications will be considered until September 27, 2021 October 18th, 2021
  • Applicants may be asked to participate in a 1-hour Skype interview
  • All applicants will be notified about final decisions by December 31, 2021
  • Early applications are strongly encouraged


Interested? Read ahead to check if this fellowship is meant for you….

I. Are you enthusiastic about participating in a one-year business accelerator program?

II. Are you motivated to learn new skills and make changes to grow your business?

III. Do you have the authority to make critical decisions in your business?

IV. Are you willing to commit to working with Vital Voices to track your business growth during the program and for up to 3 years afterwards, by being responsive and participating in data collection activities including online surveys and phone calls?

V. Are you interested in collaborating with and supporting other women entrepreneurs in your cohort?

If your answers to the questions above are an emphatic YES, read ahead to check your eligibility….

I. Are you a women entrepreneur or women social entrepreneur who leads or owns a for-profit business?

II. W.r.t your business

  • Has it been in operations for at least 3 years?
  • Does it employ at least 1 full time staff (this can include the applicant)?
  • Does it generates at least US $40,000 (or ₹30 Lakhs) in annual sales?

III. Are you proficient in spoken and written English?

IV. Have you demonstrated leadership and key decision-making authority within your business, and manage the business on an ongoing basis?

V. Do you have a commitment towards making a positive social impact?

VI. If you are involved in more than one business, does the above business criteria apply to the business that you would like to focus on during the fellowship?

If your answers to the questions above are an emphatic YES, you are all set to apply for the 2022 VV GROW Fellowship!

So…how big is this scheme and what has been done so far?

I. Till date, VV GROW Fellowship has attracted over thousands of applications from nearly 100 countries across 8 years from 17 sectors. Of these, 492 went on to become VV GROW Fellows. Of these, nearly 20 VV GROW Fellows are from India. Click here to meet 2021 VV GROW Fellows

II. Over the years, participants of VV GROW Fellowship have demonstrated following results since their participation in the program:

  • Growth in Sales + Job Creation: Sales growth has accelerated on average up to 43%
  • Improved Business Management: 100% of fellows made changes to their business to improve productivity. The changes most commonly cited include developing new products, implementing a strategic growth plan, improving quality controls, upgrading capital equipment and opening a new store, office, production or warehouse facility
  • Networking for Business Growth: 81% of fellows used at least one new connection to grow their business (useful business advice; access to other business contacts; professional services and encouragement)
  • Multiplier Effect: To date, program fellows have reached over 400,000 people in their communities. They mentored more than 7,500 people, trained over 36,000 and have reached over 385,000 people through speeches or presentations on women’s empowerment.


So, now, how should you go about it?

I. For submitting application online, please click here. Please do mention “46 XX” as the channel in the “how did you hear about the program?” section while you are filling in the application for effective tracking

II. For information on:

III. For any queries, please contact Dalin Nhean, Program Manager via e-mail:

Go on then…and do spread the word!

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